DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Monday, March 13, 2006

Matt Adcock Meets Natalie Portman

"welcome to 'sunny' London"

Matt Adcock meets Natalie Portman

I make my way through the rain to the government building and take a moment to savour the impressive display of power – huge banners hang from every wall, a massive mask forms the centrepiece on the focus wall and security is tight… But who are those masked figures that man every doorway? Why has are there huge red V signs daubed over the chocolate cookies… And perhaps most importantly, who is this gorgeous female creature that is taking a seat in front of me?

Why – it’s Natalie Portman… wow, she really is beautiful!! Got to admit right away that I’ve been a huge fan ever since she exploded onto the screen at the tender age of 12 in Luc Besson's superb thriller, Leon.

Anyway, down to business...

Matt: V for Vendetta is an impressive film, based on a highly political graphic novel – did that attract you?

Natalie: It was very interesting for me to consider the mindset of someone who goes from being non-violent to being drawn towards using violence to express her political beliefs. I have been brought up in a pretty politically aware way, when you come from Israel politics is sort of volatile there. One of the reasons I wanted to do this movie is that it brought up so many questions that I can’t find answers to and those are the best questions and the most interesting questions and the ones most worth talking about like violence and terrorism and the causes of violence and the justifications.

Matt: What was it like working with V (Hugo Weaving), was it tough him wearing the mask all the time?

Natalie: It was kind of amazing because it makes you always wonder what's going on behind it. You're always thinking, are they laughing behind that? Are they smiling? Are they crying? Are they angry? Hugo's performance was so vocal and physically specific that it was a great help. It's not like working with blue screen, for instance, where you have to imagine the performance opposite you.

Matt: Your character Evey is a strong female lead, how did it feel playing her?

Natalie: I think one of the essential conflicts for her is having had the experience of having her parents punished for being political. I think the big conflict for many people who are idealistic is between whether you follow your ideals and go try and help strangers or be true to your private life and protect your family and those you love. That’s the conflict; what’s more important to you do you do something that is valiant and the right thing to do or protect your private life?

Matt: And what about having all your hair shaved off, was that tough?

Natalie: Shaving my head was fun. For the character it's a very traumatic experience because it's a violence committed upon her. But for me, I got to choose to do it I had to concentrate on looking upset for the scene because I was so excited. I always wanted to do it and never had the guts.

Matt: How about dealing with your high profile, are the media OK?

Natalie: Maybe I’ve been lucky and maybe people have been respectful to me when they are not like that with other people, but I’ve found that for all everyone’s complaints about the press I have found them quite respectful. You have the right to ask anything you want and I have the right not to answer it and in general if someone asks and you say you don’t want to talk about it they respect it.

"wow... what can you say? she's lovely and talented and friendly"

"Portman as Padmé... giving Leia a run for her money in the 'best Star Wars costume' stakes"


V For Vendetta

Slave girl Leia Outfit

Darkmatters: H O ME

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Matt, how could you not ask her to marry you? I mean any self respecting journalist would break down in tears in front of her and start crying and begging...surely.

Or is that just me?!