DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Jennifer Garner: Great Looking But Wasted

Jennifer Garner... certainly has the looks to make a perfect Elektra,
alas - the film makers just didn't do it justice...

see my review Elektra

P.S. It looks like some female readers disagree - see comment below

Jennifer Garner makes me happy

Reviews of other films and stuff you might want to read indexed here

Elektra Is "Awful" Admits Garner


Anonymous said...

She aint that great and since she is dating Ben Affleck she is now ugly ...

Just becasue they are on TV or moview, they are not Beautiful!!


Dan Dorman said...

Garner is a weird bird indeed. Kinda hot - kinda not. Plus, she's from West Virginia - which pretty much makes her a mountain-woman (and I'm not sure I mean that in a good way). Garner is no draw for me. I don't watch Alias (religiously - I much prefer Millennium or MI-5) but what the hell, whatever floats your boat, right?

Also, I added your a link on my blog to your site, Matt!

Anonymous said...

She's hot!!! Hands down! she's one of the hottest girls alive! she isn't wasted!she is gorgeous!I love her!

Anonymous said...

she is soo hot!!! how can u say alias is wasted are totally brain dead her and carmen electra are the fittiest ladies i seen around and boy have i been around