DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

You met me at a very strange time in my life...

Read my novel: Complete Darkness

TREAT yourself to the audiobook version: DARKNESS AUDIOBOOK
Listen to the PODCAST I co-host: Hosts in the Shell

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Photo Story #1 Matt's Walk To Work

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

I stepped off the train into a place of confusion
(also known as Tooley Street London)

I stumbled to the banks of the Thames (it was still dark,
I noticed the glow worm infestation was getting worse)

The next thing I remember was a strange erection
- leaning to the right

Seconds later dawn broke over Tower Bridge...
which was nice

I couldn't stop to watch, I entered the tunnel of fiery lights
not knowing what would happen next

I turned the corner to find some naked nymphs waiting...
statuesque and dripping wet (from the fountain they were standing in)

No sooner had the strange nymph statues caught my eye than it started raining
(in Sin City comic book style)

So I made a quick sketch of them
(and when I got to work I painted this canvas based upon it)

Shortly after that I lost consciousness
(and uploaded the whole tale to my blog via my mind link)

T H E - E N D
  • All photographs taken using my Sony Ericsson p900 camera phone
  • This photostory is typical of my walk to work every day...

1 comment:

Ver said...

You have a really nice place going to work. I wish mine were as nice. :)