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Thursday, January 06, 2005

That's Gross - Top 10 Film Grosses 2004

The cool guys over at BoxOfficeMojo have listed the top 10 worldwide grosses for the films of 2004.
And they look like this...

1 Shrek 2 $912.0
2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban $789.8
3 Spider-Man 2 $784.0
4 The Passion of the Christ $611.3
5 The Day After Tomorrow $542.5
6 The Incredibles $539.1
7 Troy $497.4
8 I, Robot $347.2

9 Shark Tale $317.9
10 Van Helsing $300.2

All $'s are in millions

See the full year's listing at: www.boxofficemojo.com

1 comment:

Danny Haszard said...

The;'right stuff' we love smart people they say there is only 6 degrees of separation between anyone in the world.Now the WWW. brings us even closer. Cheers,Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA