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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Book Review: The Boys' Beer Book

"The mouth of a perfectly happy man...
is filled with beer." (ancient Egyptian proverb)

The Boys' Beer Book
by Jonny Goodall

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

Beer eh? I'm a fan - and if you like beer then you could do a lot worse than reading The Boys' Beer Book... It's a quick a dirty guide to everything beer related - the author comes across as some obsessed nutjob out to convert the world to the joys of drinking beer (or maybe he was just pissed?).
Anyway, it only takes a hour or so to read and you'll soon be equipped to ask for a beer in over 50 countries, know the pretty much every type of beer available and errm, divine the 'quaint' customs of the great British pubs...
Darkmatt Rating: ööö (Mmmmm I'm off for a cold Hoegaarden)

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