DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Saturday, March 05, 2005

Mercenaries vs Lumines vs Sanity

"I am a death dealer... for a price"
Man, I'm loving Mercenaries on the PS2... The tagline 'playground of destruction' is absolutely on the money!! It really is like Grand Theft Auto in a warzone - and as a stress relief goes, there's little to compare with stealing a helicopter, taking on most of the N. Korean army single handedly and then luring their leaders into a trap...
And just when I thought it couldn't get much better I've found out that you can open a surprise bonus... only Han Solo himself!! Yes, thanks to it being Lucasarts who created Mercenaries - they've slipped some sweet Easter Eggs into the game. Fancy playing as Han Solo? Or how about Indy?
This one will run and run!!

"Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight. I take orders from just one person: me"

"the words 'just one more go' rang out yet again in the Adcock household"

And if Mercenaries wasn't wasting enough of my time on the trusty slimline PS2 - I've found that Lumines on the sexy little PSP has pretty much taken over my train journeys, coffee breaks and err, lavatory visits!? I've just broken the 100,000 points barrier but sense that I have a long, long way to go...

It's not easy being a game freak.

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