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Monday, March 07, 2005

Film Review: Hitch

"If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son,
I got 99 problems but a Hitch aint one!"

Hitch (12a)
Dir. Andy Tennant

Reviewed by Matt Adcock

No matter what, no matter when, no matter who, any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. He just needs the right broom.

Prepare to get seriously loved up as the bad boy Will Smith makes the jump from action movie hero to romantic comedy lead without missing a beat. Hitch is everything it should be - a funny, feel good, all lovin date movie of the highest order, with characters you’ll want to see getting together. Fellas, taking a date to see Hitch ought to get you about a million brownie points, after that, if it doesn’t work out - you’re doing something seriously wrong!!

But even if you’re unlucky in love, Alex 'Hitch' Hitchens (Smith) – the ‘date doctor’ – should be able to help. He’s the guy who specialises in helping blokes win the loves of their lives, and here he faces his toughest assignment yet when clumsy, uncool and chubby accountant Albert Brennaman (a superb Kevin James) commissions him to help win the heart of foxy rich socialite Allegra Cole (Amber Valletta).

Things get more complicated because Hitch himself finds himself head over heels for bitchy gossip column writer Sara Melas (the hot Eva Mendes)… You can see immediately where all this will go – but Smith and Mendes have real chemistry and Smith is just so darn likeable that you’ll have to be a seriously miserable person not to enjoy this romantic nonsense. This is pure entertainment – and the bonus is that mixed in amongst the fun and games are some useful real insights into relationships and dating issues. And it’s funny too – stand out scenes include James’ awesome dance demonstration, a disastrous first date, a case of food allergy that turns Smith into the Elephant man and the best food fight to hit the screen for a long time!

Apparently eight out of ten women believe that the first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about a relationship and Hitch delivers a smacker that will make romantics weak at the knees. So girls, next time a bloke makes an unexpected, gallant gesture that makes you smile – why not give him the chance to impress you further? And guys, surely any film that brings out the chivalrous, gentlemanly stud inside us all has to be good thing right? – Hey, just ask my wife (she loved Hitch even more than I did).

Darkmatt Rating: öööö (snuggle the Will)

Click here to read: Matt Adcock's Other Film Reviews

"this is where I grab you... ready?"

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