DARKMATTERS - The Mind of Matt

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Doctor Who Will See You... On Saturday!!

"artwork by insane creative genius and school-time friend who introduced me to the joys of CARTER USM...
Mister Lee Davies - remember that name he's gonna be big!!"

Who? is back...

The Doctor, a renegade Time Lord, an eccentric, highly-intelligent scientist from a distant planet...
Travelling through time and space in the TARDIS (which looks like an old Police telephone box and is larger on the inside than on the outside). The destroyer of Daleks, crusher of Cybermen and nemesis of The Master. He saves planets for a living - well more of a hobby actually, but he's quite good at it. He's saved us from alien menaces and evil from before time began - but just who is he?

Well, this time he's played by Christopher Eccleston and has a new sidekick Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)...

And we of the Adcock household are very excited about the new series (hopefully it will get that balance between being scary enough and fun enough to be embraced by my cool kids Luke and James -who don't even know who Dr Who? is... yet).

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